After graduation it's off to the races. A new life is about to begin with a new door opening and a new job about to start. Starting their new professional career path will require a few upgrades to their previously used supplies. Get the graduate in your life a gift or two that will help them make a killer first impression on their first day!
Adjusting your schedule to be a morning person can be hard. And if your recipient is transitioning from a senior schedule of afternoon classes to a nine to five then they might need a little caffeine boost. This Yeti Thermos will keep their coffee warm all through the morning and Onyx Coffee will level up their grocery store coffee game.
Whether it's midday or after a long hard day of working, cooking for yourself can become a chore. Prevent your recipient from spending their entire paycheck on takeout and delivery with the gift of a meal service.
Notes don't stop after graduation, keep them accountable in every meeting. Those valuable note taking skills will come in handy as the learn their new job and train in so many new tasks.
Make sure they are prepared with the latest tech pieces to create their own portable workspace with any apps they need and a note taking layer.
Let's get their car ready for their new daily commute. If you haven't noticed, gas prices have gone up! And the transition from walking everywhere on campus to driving back and forth to work everyday can be an investment, especially if you haven't gotten your first paycheck yet.
These items make great gifts for your recipient no matter what their next career step may be.
Very Happy Gifting!
Check out these other posts for graduation gift inspiration:
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