I am so excited to share what I am giving my Father for Father’s Day this year! We all know Dad’s can be the toughest customer when it comes to gift giving. Well this year, I got my Dad a Staub Fish Plate. He is an avid fisherman and couldn’t wait to get out on the water once the recent COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. I thought this would be a great gift for him, so he could create his catch of the day special! My Dad lives in another state so I’m showing you the full details of how I packed everything up to get it ready to ship!
Here are my raw materials, The Staub Fish Plate and two fishing lures for me to choose from. Staub makes excellent cookware so I'm excited to give him something that he'll love to cook with.
In the box I added shredded paper for padding and bubble wrap so the two cast iron pieces don't scratch each other in shipping. Then I added the fishing lure for an added touch!
After picking out some handsome wrapping paper, the wrapping can commence! I love black wrapping paper, it makes a gift looks so elegant.
I've wrapped the box in black wrapping paper and strung black raffia around the box. Now, I'll add some dried wheat for a touch of contrast. To see more about how to use dried flowers as gift toppers, check out my post here.
After wrapping the gift, I add packing paper to the shipping box to protect the wrapping paper from damage. Then slide the gift in the box.
I've added a piece of bubble wrap to protect the wheat and top of the box and placed my Father's Day card on top.
Time to wrap up the paper! I've secured the paper with a gold sticker just to secure it in place and add an extra touch to the gift to make Dad feel like this is something special. Tape up the box and it's ready to ship!
Hopefully you've found some helpful tips on wrapping and putting finishing touches on any gift you need to ship.
Very Happy Gifting!