Just kidding, kind of! Don’t worry, I love Fall and Thanksgiving but statistics show that most people start their Christmas shopping after Halloween. Of course, I am not most people but that’s why I have a blog about gifts and I’m here to help you get ready for the holidays!
1. First things, First—Who are you shopping for?
It’s time to start thinking about friends, family, acquaintances, coworkers, mailmen, neighbors—all the people! If you haven’t created a Christmas list for all the people you need to give gifts to, I ask you, What Are You Waiting For? There’s no time like the present! (the present, see what I did there?) Make a list of people you need to shop for. Feel free to use my resources to get really organized if you haven't already! It’s ok to add everyone, even if you’re not sure you’re going to get them a gift yet. If they come to mind, add them to the list. It’s better to be over prepared versus under prepared.
2. Time to Brainstorm--Where’s your thinking cap?
It’s time for a good old fashioned brainstorming session! Go through each person on your list and think through their likes, dislikes, passions, hobbies, and day to day routines. If after some deep thought, you know exactly what you want to give, great! Write down that specific present. If you don’t know exactly what you’re giving write down a rough idea. If you’re thinking about a sweater for Mom, or a tech gift for Dad, write down those rough gift categories even if they aren’t specific. If you’re really stumped it’s time to make that call and get some more concrete ideas or flat out ask! This is the time to start those gift exchange lists with ideas and updated clothing sizes.
3. Store Location, Location, Location
Now that you’ve got a good list of concrete and general gift ideas going, it’s time to write down some stores. Where are you buying these gifts from? When you know where you’re shopping it cuts down on shipping and in person shopping time. Let’s say your nephew wants Air Pod headphones and your niece wants a Kitchenaid mixer—you can get both of those from Target in one order or one trip to the store. Let’s say you wrote down rough ideas for your friend, let’s say makeup for her, and for your husband let’s say cologne—one trip to Sephora or Nordstrom and you’ll be able to cross them both off your list! This also helps when stores have dollar amount requirements for their free shipping offers, this method adds more to cart to get free shipping.
Starting this list is a great way to stay organized for the upcoming holiday season. It’s never too early to start shopping, so if you haven’t started already take these three steps toward a fabulous Christmas morning! For more gift ideas check out all the posts on the site!
Very Happy Gifting!