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Why Shopping Early for Christmas is So Important This Year

If you approached me on any day of any year, I could start a conversation about Christmas and gift shopping. I’d ask how far along you are in your Christmas shopping and if you need any help with ideas etc., and you’d say to me… “It’s August!” Normally I would mention the benefits of shopping early and move on, but this year, I would like to impress upon you the importance of shopping early.

Help the Economy

This year has been a crazy year (cue the understatement!) and many businesses are in the recovery phases of COVID-19. If you have the ability to support your local business this is the best time. Even big businesses are paying their employees in your area. So anything you can do support you neighborhood would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you haven’t noticed, everything is on sale right now! Businesses can use your money now and they are showing that buy incentivizing you to spend your dollars with them. If you can afford to do so, now is a great time to take advantage of great prices and cross a few people off your Christmas List.

Reduced Inventory

Because of COVID-19, inventory around the world has been affected. Manufacturers all around the world have had to shut down, remain closed, or open with limited staff and that means product inventory will be affected. Will all of your favorite items be in stock and available around the holidays? It’s hard to say. If you’re looking at retail right now you might notice longer wait times for items to come back in stock once they are sold out. The reduction in manufacturing paired with the closures in stores could make it financially difficult for stores to reorder the products they need. Starting your Christmas shopping now takes the pressure off waiting to the last minute and possibly not finding what you need.

Dollars and Sense

Covid-19 put a lot of people’s financial future in jeopardy. If you were one of those people then your budget might be limited for spending right now, and it might still be limited for Christmas shopping. But you’re probably also someone that still wants to make the most of the holidays. I suggest using this extra time to find the best gifts in your price range. Think about how much you want to spend overall and for each person. Put a real budget together and start doing your research on the best things you can find for each person on your list. Finding great budget gifts is very doable but it does take more time. Start now! Starting this early takes the lump sum of money, usually spent in December, and disperses it over a few months, making it easier to bear.

Long story short, these are all great reasons to shop early so get your list out and start now!

Very Happy Gifting!




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